Here we are.
I’m Topher. 42 years old. Banker.
My wife, Shanna. 40 years old. Small business owner.
The kid. 18 years old. Class of 2016 high school graduate.
I know that’s not the best introduction … but trust me, you’ll get more. (That photo is from Stingray City, Antigua.)
This is our story. At least a very, very small part of it.
Shanna and I have been married since the mid 1990’s, and we’re approaching a time in our relationship that opens-up some exciting opportunities: emptynestitude.
The kid is about to graduate and plans to move out to attend college.
Shanna and I plan on some great adventures, and we hope you come along for the ride.
But before we get the cart in front of the horse, let’s talk about what’s happening right now — because this is a busy, busy time in our lives.
Last weekend, the kid had her senior prom. And she looked spectacular.
I won’t get into the anguish that goes with being a dad of a beautiful girl, heading out the door for prom. But I’ll summarize by saying … it’s complicated.
Part of me recognizes the amazing young woman in front of me and love the person she’s growing into, but the majority of my mind is visualizing this little girl in hard plastic dress-up shoes, parading around the living room in an oversized princess dress.
And I have to take a breath, because the past 18 years have passed in an all too brief moment.
But now we’re looking ahead to graduation in a couple weeks.
And I’m sure there will be a ridiculous bundle of emotion as that passes, too.
What an adventure!
What an amazing adventure.
And we’re just getting going. I can’t wait to see what’s around the bend.
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